蕪湖恒瑞電機有限責任公司 位于安徽 蕪湖市鏡湖區,是蕪湖市唯一生產各類分馬力電機、工縫離合器電機和農用電機的專業性公司。公司各工種技術骨干都是擁有二十多年分馬力電機和農用電機生產經驗的專業性技術人才。公司配備了全新的數控設備和數學化檢測儀器,生產的各類單相、三相分馬力和Y系列電機均嚴格執行專業標準,電機產品不僅啟動力距大、節能省電,而且具有“三低”的特點:溫升低、噪音低、振動低。公司系列產品暢銷全國各地,部分產品已配套出口。公司秉承“質量至上、服務至上、誠信至上”經營理念,在產品上精益求精,追求完美品質,努力使“恒瑞”成為廣大用戶值得信賴的品牌。
Company lntroduction
Hrng Rui Fractional HP Motor Corporation Ltd.is the onlyspecialized manufacturer in Wuhu city producing all kinds of fractional HP motors and agricultural motors Clutch motors for sewing machine .All the major staffs are technical specialists with more than 20 years expeience in the industry.The conpany is well equipped with new numerical control equipment and digital testing apparatus.All the products including single-phase/tri-phase fractional HP motors and series"Y" motors well meet the latest technical standards.They are not only energy saving wrst big start-up monent.but also have a feature of"3Low"S”,i.e.low temperature ries,low noise and low vibration.These pronduts are highly
recognized in the market and some of Goog Quality,Good Service and Good Credibility in operaationmanagement,the company is continuously striving to improve the product and quality to make Heng Rui a trust-worthy brand.